What Is Keto Diet

Ketogenic Diet The Beginner's Guide

keto diet
Nowadays, the trend or trend of health care has made people turn to look after more and more bodies. One of the methods that are currently very popular both internationally and in Thailand is  Ketogenic Diet.

For anyone who has never known this method Anyone who wants to try keto Or those who just started to eat keto You are definitely looking for this information. In this article, we compile information related to ketogenic eating. (For newbies) that cover all the basics Until having to call it .. Guide for Beginners to Eat Quito  Go to read it for a long time.

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

Eating keto is a diet high in fat, medium protein. And low carb
or Low-Carb, High-Fat (LCHF).

That we get low carb (Usually less than 25 grams per day) will put the body into ketosis mode, which will cause the body to use fat as primary energy instead of sugar and glycogen.

While the body is in ketosis mode The body creates ketones in the liver by breaking down fats. Then transformed into energy instead of using carbohydrates In short, Eating ketones will cause the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

keto diet

Eating ketones is not fasting

It's just a change in the proportion to low carbs. And replaced by a lot of fatty foods And medium protein As we consume fewer carbohydrates, our glucose levels decrease and insulin decreases.

This type of eating Quito ( Types Of Diets keto )

Each person will have different needs and goals to start eating keto. Therefore, there are many formulas or forms of eating keto, and here are 3 formulas and 3 forms of eating keto that is popular. Friends, you can choose any formula depending on your own goals. But in the beginning, it should be used formula 1, especially if we have just eaten keto for the first time.

1. Eating Standard Ketogenic Diet ( SKD )

Eating keto in SKD is a common method that most people use. Is an easy and effective method for weight loss By focusing on these things.

  • Eat a lot of fat (good fat) to 70-80% of calories each day.
  • Eat about 20-25% protein
  • 5-10% carbs
  • This formula is suitable for runners and exercise enthusiasts. Including those who are looking for a way to lose weight in a short period of time.

2.  Targeted Ketogenic Diet ( TKD )

During the time we follow this TKD formula, we eat keto almost every day. But will consume all the specified carbohydrates at once Before 60-90 minutes before exercise, it is like combining Formula 1 and Formula 2 together, giving us carb for exercise. But does not let us exit the ketosis mode, i.e. eat the carbohydrate and then we use it all immediately

But there is a rule... Before using this formula, we have to eat ketones for 6-8 weeks or else our bodies may exit the ketosis mode from the first two weeks.

And when we load the car, we choose to eat easily And have a high glycemic index ( GI, glycemic index, glycaemic index) and during the Post-workout (eating food after exercise) for us to eat protein foods To help repair muscle recovery After that, go back to eat keto as before.

This formula will suit Beginners and intermediate runners

3.  Cyclical Ketogenic Diet ( CKD )

This formula is different from the first formula where There will be times when we load carbs, which means we eat fewer carbs. And when we load the car Is a formula that is suitable for athletes and bodybuilders only (not suitable for everyone).

There will be a day when we consume no more than 40 grams of carbohydrates.

And there will be a day when we consume up to 400-500 grams of carbohydrates per day to add glycogen for exercise. Which will be between 24-48 hours.

The benefits of eating Quito ( Benefit's Of  Ketogenic EATING ).

After we got to know what it takes to eat ketogenic ingredients Let's see the benefits of eating keto on our bodies too.

keto diet

1. Helps to lose weight

Eating keto is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. That's because the body will burn fat until causing weight loss. And has a better shape Our bodies will become fat-burning machinery. Is a method that works according to the research.

The research divided the subjects into 2 groups: the low-carb group and the low-fat diet group. After 6 months, the group that consumed keto lost as much as 4.5 pounds. Kilograms compared to other groups

2. Helps to control blood sugar levels

Research shows that Volunteers that eat low-carb foods will have less appetite. And also found that eating ketogenic good for patients with early-stage diabetes And people with type 2 diabetes

When we consume fewer carbohydrates Glucose levels are also limited. Makes it possible to control blood sugar levels

3. Helping the mind

Eating keto in addition to providing energy to the body. Also provides energy to the brain When we eat fewer carbs We can avoid having high blood sugar spikes. Helping us to concentrate well and focus on a clear mind. The research also found that Increasing intake of high-fat foods will have a positive effect on brain function.

4. Lowering cholesterol

There is a false belief that Eating ketones will increase your cholesterol levels and lead to heart problems and others.

** But the truth is **

The belief that .. Vegetable and meat fats Is the cause of the increase in cholesterol. It is a myth!
Current research shows that Eating keto helps to improve cholesterol levels. While also making the heart healthier.

There is a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in which researchers want to know how eating keto affects cardiovascular health. Including good fats as well And the research results are satisfactory The researchers found that Eating ketones, which are low-carbohydrate and high-fat diets, will increase the number of good fats in the body. And to reduce the amount of bad fat When compared to losing weight by other methods.

Other benefits to the body (This is a research finding).
  • Good for the heart
  • Reduce the chance of getting cancer
  • Brain injury
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer
  • acne
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • And others

keto diet

Who shouldn't eat keto?

If you have any of the symptoms listed below, you should not eat keto. For those who want to try eating keto, should consult a doctor first.

  • People with allergies to drugs such as Insulin, Sulphonylureas, and Glinides.
  • Women who must breastfeed
  • People with blood pressure problems
  • People with gallbladder disease.
  • People who have had surgery to lose weight.

How to start eating keto?

Important things that we need to know before starting to eat ketones Is the basis for eating keto Which has a very simple rule that is Eat a lot of fat, moderate protein intake, low carbohydrate intake

How do we get into ketosis mode?

The body will enter ketosis mode. May have to eat keto for several days or weeks In eating less than 20-30 grams of carbohydrates per day. Other than that, there are also physical factors, exercise intensity, body type, And the food that we eat Therefore, each person will spend different time.

What to eat that is good in accordance with the rules of eating keto

Eat plans must not be too limited. But it does not mean that you can eat everything in your path When talking about eating keto, eating vegetables can help. And on the website, vrunvride.com Ours have an article recommending vegetables with low carbohydrates to read. Top 20 vegetables with
the lowest (Low-Carb) in the world.

Let us focus on eating green leafy vegetables and vegetables that grow above the ground, such as broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

The fruits that are good for eating keto are avocados and berries. And be careful of fruits with high GI values.

keto diet

List of foods for those who eat a ketogenic diet

  • Meat: red meat, steak, lamb, sausage, ham, bacon, chicken, turkey, and others
  • Fatty fish: salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, and others.
  • Eggs: Eat whole eggs.
  • Above-ground vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower
  • High-fat milk: Hard cheese, butter, high-fat cream
  • Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, and others.
  • Foods with low GI: avocados, raspberries, blackberries
  • Cheese: unprocessed cheese such as goat, cheddar, blue, cream and mozzarella
  • Healthy oil: extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil
  • Seasoning: salt, pepper, spices and some herbs
  • Aspartame: Iritol, stevia, Hung Guo fruit, low carbohydrate sweetener.

What should we not eat?

Remember .. Be careful with carbohydrates! We must not consume more than 20-30 grams of carbohydrates per day. The body will not be able to enter ketosis mode when the body still has glucose to burn.

List of foods that should not be eaten!

  1. All grains: such as wheat, oats, rye, millet, corn, rice, barley, sorghum, spinach, etc.
  2. Grain products: Bread, Pasta, Pizza, Crackers, Cookies, and others.
  3. Sugar and dessert: cakes, honey, maple syrup, ice cream, and more.
  4. Products without sugar or low fat: can affect ketone levels.
  5. Flour or cereal: pasta, rice, cereal
  6. Factory fish and pork: low in nutrients and high in omega 6
  7. Alcohol: sweet wine, beer, cocktails
  8. Fruit: except avocado and some berries
  9. Tropical fruits: mango, pineapple, papaya, bananas, and others.
  10. Legumes and beans: such as red beans, elephant head beans, and others
  11. Root growing vegetables: carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and more.
  12. Bad fats: vegetable oil, mayonnaise, etc.
  13. Refined oil: such as safflower oil, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, corn oil
  14. Snacks for keto eaters
  15. In the case of a very hungry condition Before the main meal Then can eat these snacks first

2 hard-boiled eggs

Almonds and Nuts
1 avocado, sprinkled with salt and pepper

Fried Bean
String Cheese (cheese for filling like pizza Low in calories).

Things to pay attention

Remember that .. the fewer carbohydrates we get The faster we get into ketosis. But if we are runners who have to run many kilos a week, then Should eat more carbohydrates (But have to eat before exercise)

Proportion of food

Eat fat (good fat) is 70-80% of calories each day.
Eat about 20-25% protein
5-10% carbs
:: Suppose we eat food to get 2,800 calories per day of energy. It will come out as

Eat 270-300 grams of fat,
eat 105-140 grams of protein,
35-70 grams of carbs.

keto diet

How will you know that? Are we in ketosis mode yet?
How to check the body's ketosis condition.

1. Urine examination

Is a method for checking ketone levels in the body Anyone who is currently eating keto can check the urine to see the ketone levels. But not always the results will always be reliable Because it only shows the excess ketosis that is excreted only through urine Do not have a direct blood test

2. Blood test
This method is free of charge. But it is definitely the surest way.

3. See from other symptoms
  • Mood change And alertness level
  • Increased urination
  • Dry mouth and more thirsty (Keito people need to drink more water. Don't let the body become dehydrated)
  • Bad breath and bad breath
  • Easier to sleep
  • Reduced appetite
  • With more energy What focus can be improved?
  • How does eating ketogenic affect running efficiency?

Runners are concerned that Eating keto can reduce running efficiency. That is something that can be understood. Because anyway, carbohydrates are like friends of runners Because it is an important energy source

But what happens when we stop eating carbs and eat the full keto? The answer is that during the first part of eating keto, exercise performance will decrease. But when the body starts to adapt Running efficiency will return as before. In which experts say it takes 3-4 weeks

We will feel that running is really harder. But it was only during the first weeks We will feel tired every day. Because our body receives fewer carbohydrates But that's part of the process And we must continue to be patient if we really want to eat keto

Therefore, during the first part of eating keto Let us reduce the distance of each week to run, run slowly or walk straight away. And during this time, let us eat more fats from plants and animals Eat moderate amounts of protein. Drink plenty of water.

keto diet

The results of the research

On eating keto and endurance levels in exercise.
There are many studies indicating that Eating keto is good for exercise that requires endurance. And does not cause reduced muscle mass as well.

When should not eat keto

There are exceptions for people who have to exercise in a form that requires a lot of muscle power explosion, such as weight lifting competitions. Or fast races If in the process of preparing for the competition Carbohydrates that can be eaten and remain ketosis may be higher than the recommended daily intake. In such cases, consume 20-30 grams of digestible carbohydrates within a short amount of time, such as fruit, and should be eaten 30-60 minutes before exercise. This will ensure that the muscles have enough glycogen during exercise or The competition.

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